WIETA is governed by a Board representing members from producers, producer organisations, civil society organisations and trade unions. Each constituency nominates its representatives to sit on the Board for a period of two years. The Board nominates a chairperson from within its ranks.
We have three subcommittees that feed policy into the Board and provide strategic guidance to the programmes implemented by the Executive Management of WIETA.
- Accreditation Committee
- Finance & HR Committee
The WIETA Board

Andre Van Niekerk
Mr van Niekerk verwerf sy Nasionale Diploma in Veiligheidsbestuur deur Unisa in 1997. Daarna was hy betrokke in die Gesondheid,Veiligheids en Omgewings sowel as in die sement en drukkers industrie tot en met 2016. In 2016 sluit Mr van Niekerk as Sisteembestuurder by Robertson Koöperatiewe Wynkelders aan. Sy take in hierdie beroep is gemoeid met etiese en sosiale kodes vir die Kelder, sowel as vir die Produsente. Hy verleng hulp aan produsente, in terme van etiese standaarde en die implementering daarvan, oudit prosesse, probleem oplossing en hantering van griewe.
Mr Van Niekerk is aktief betrokke by Wieta en neem deel aan heelwat bespreking sessies. Hy vorm ook deel van die Stuurkomitee van die Stronger Together Inisiatief in Suid Afrika.

Sharron Marco-Thyse
Sharron Marco-Thyse is foremost a human rights activist passionate about issues affecting women, youth and the rural poor. She actively promotes processes that creates an enabling environment for betterment of marginalized communities through policy and legislative changes. Sharron served on several key strategic positions within the agricultural sector and the wine industry specifically – as Chairperson of the Wine Industry Transformation Charter, a founding director of the SA Wine Industry Council and Executive Chair of the SA Wine Industry Trust for 8yrs.

Heinie Nel
Heinie graduated from Elsenburg College in 2003. He worked for Bosman Family Vineyards as a farm manager gaining experience in vineyard management, vine nursery, and ethical trade. He joined the Perdeberg Group as a viticulturist and is Head of Sustainability for the Group.
He holds a Diploma in Viticulture and Wine.
“The Perdeberg Group has 28 shareholders and plays an active role to support these farms in achieving the WIETA standards. This gives us an opportunity to understand the challenges at farm level and how to implement the standards practically and sustainably. We also sell our wine as Fair Labour WIETA certified as we understand the different export markets’ demands. It is of the utmost importance to ensure fair working and living conditions for all involved in the wine industry thus ensuring prosperity for all”.

Nosey Pieterse
Nosey has been working in the wine industry since 1997. He worked as the HR Manager for KWVSA and was also the industrial relations specialist for the group for 7 years. He headed a black vintner and worked as president for an NGO as well as being the General Secretary for a trade union.
He holds a BA Hons, MBA Diploma HRM, Diploma in Labour Law, and Strategic HRM Diplomas from UCT and the University of California.
“ I regard WIETA as an important site of struggle for fair labour practices. It has the potential to contribute to industrial peace due to the fact that its focus areas cover areas that are currently the cause of many conflicts and disputes”.

Dawid De Wee
Dawid De Wee attained his BTech in Management at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2012 and is completing his B.COM degree in Law (LLB) at the University of South Africa.
He is also involved in Ministry and is the Head of the Holy Pentecost Church of South Africa. Being a proud activist, he is also the General secretary of Society Development Trade Union.

Christo Conradie
Christo is an agricultural economist by profession with more than 25 years across various industries including the wine industry, banking and private companies. He is the Manager : Wine Cellars at VinPro.
“I am committed to furthering the objectives of WIETA by acting fairly and co-operatively and in the best interests of the association and its members”.

Zolani Mbanjwa
Zolani Mbanjwa is the Provincial Secretary of the Food & Allied Workers Union in the Western Cape Province since 2013 and a member of the Consultative Advisory Forum for Marine Living Resources (CAFMLR) to Minister of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment. He is also the Deputy Chairperson of the National Bargaining Council for the Fishing Industry. A reputable labour practitioner specializing in resolving labour disputes

Surina Burger
Surina started her career in the wine industry after completing her studies at the University of Stellenbosch in 2006. Thereafter she worked at Ashton and Goudini cellars as a wine maker.
She has then moved to UniWines Vineyard as a QA Manager for almost seven years.
At present she is the QA Manager for De Wet Wine Cellar and assists with Wine Training SA with the presentation of their various courses.

Stefan Oberholtzer
Stefan Oberholtzer is a seasoned business executive with 37 years experience in global industrial companies, where he held various leadership positions over this period. Amongst other industries, he has extensive experience in the petrochemical, pulp and paper, mining and FCMG industries. Prior to relocating to his farm in Montagu in the Western Cape permanently in 2019, he held the position of Group Managing Director, United Technologies Building and Industrial Systems for Southern Africa. Since then, Stefan has been committed full time to his farming activities where he produces wine grapes for Montagu Wine Cellar. He has served on the board of directors of Montagu Wine Cellar since 2021, and is currently Chairman of the Board, a position which he has held since 2023. Stefan grew up on a farm in the Eastern Free State, matriculated in Bethlehem and holds a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering as well as an MBA from the University of Pretoria.