Standard Setting


Version 4.1 of the WIETA Code and Standard incorporating the principles that allowed for the Code and Standard is being benchmarked during the equivalence process of the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) , a  programme of the Consumer Goods Forum, in 2024. The principles further set out to comply with provisions of prevailing South African labour and health and safety legislation and international labour and health and safety standards, United Nations (‘UN’) and International Labour Organisation (‘ILO’) Conventions.

The current Version 4.1 (2021) incorporates the latest amendments to South African and International Labour and Occupational Health and Safety Legislation, including international Human Rights requirements. The latest version ensures that the Code and Standard meet the requirements of international regulations and standards best practice.

The review process is further aimed at ensuring that the standard is practical, implementable, and sustainable, whilst ensuring that the aim of the Code and Standard is achieved.

Review Process

WIETA Technical Audit Committee

The WIETA Technical Audit Committee, a multi-stakeholder body, monitors the review process, considers written submissions made and gives sign-off on the recommended changes for presentation to the WIETA Board for adoption.

Public Consultation

The Code principles and Standard requirements set out to comply with provisions of prevailing South African labour and health and safety legislation and international labour and health and safety standards, United Nations (‘UN’) and International Labour Organisation (‘ILO’) Conventions.

During the review process the current Code principles, Standard requirements and written submissions are considered against the above and the 10 ISEAL Credibility Principles for Standard Setting:

1.                  Sustainability


2.                  Impartiality

3.                  Improvement


4.                  Transparency

5.                  Relevance


6.                  Accessibility

7.                  Rigour


8.                  Truthfulness

9.                  Engagement


10.                Efficiency


The public are welcome to contact Chirstone Hornsby at should you wish to give inputs into the Standards Setting Process and make a written or verbal submission to change or modify any section of the WIETA Code Principle or Standard.

WIETA also holds a series of workshops which seeks to engage any interested party on changes to the current version of the standard.

The following interest groups and/or persons and/or organisations are encouraged to partake in the standards setting process.

  • Retailers
  • Consumers or Consumer Groups
  • Wine Brands
  • Wine Buyers
  • Cellars
  • Producers
  • Small Producers
  • Consultants and Labour Professionals
  • Civil Society and Community Based Organisations
  • Human Rights Groups
  • Trade unions
  • Temporary Employment Services
  • Certification Bodies
  • Government Representatives
  • Government
  • Trade organisations
  • Industry based Organisations
  • Individuals with an interest in promoting private standards in the wine industry

Review process:

During the Review process all documentation is made available on the WIETA Website and members are  be invited through email to participate.

Phase one:

If you have an interest in contributing to a robust standards setting process for the South African wine industry, please take the opportunity to submit written submission on the Code and Standard.

This process is open from 15 May to 15 July 2024.

A series of workshops will also be held.  

All submissions are presented to the WIETA Standards Setting Technical Committee for review.

Phase two:

A reviewed Code and Standard is made available for consultation for a period of at least 30 days. All written submission are made publicly available. The review process is aimed at reaching consensus between the different stakeholders, while ensuring that the purpose and objective of the Code and Standard are being upheld. If necessary, additional consultation is held.

Phase three:

The revised Code and Standard is signed-off by the Standards Setting Technical Committee. Final approval of the Code and Standard is required by the WIETA Board.

Phase four:

The adopted revised Code and Standard will then be published. A date for implementation of the revised Code and Standard is communicated once the final Code and Standard is approved by the WIETA Board.

Subsequent Reviews

Following the acceptance of the newly revised version, the WIETA Code and Standard is applicable for at the very most, a 3 year period. However, where South African labour legislation is amended from time to time, and the conditions of the legislation provide more favourable terms and conditions of employment in the sector, or, where the members of the association agree to more favourable terms and conditions of employment than those stipulated in labour legislation and it affords the highest protection to workers, the Code and Standard will be amended accordingly.

Where requirements are added, deleted, or amended before the next full review of the Standard, amended versions were communicated and made available on the WIETA website at

Equivalence Requirements

In order to align the WIETA Standard with international market requirements and criteria for recognition, the WIETA Scheme undertakes equivalence and benchmarking processes against technical regulations required by local legalisation and / or international regulations, benchmarking against other standards and ethical Codes such as Amfori BSCI and SEDEX’s SMETA and international equivalence platforms such as the Consumer Goods Forum’s Sustainability Supply Chain Initiative, the Sustainable Wine Round Table Initiative and the ITC’s Standards Map.

The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) is the WIETA equivalent Standard Owner for the fruit industry. To accommodate members who need to adhere to both Fruit and Wine Industry standards, WIETA and SIZA have committed to offer what is known as a Combined WIETA/SIZA Audit to save auditing costs for members.

For further information on how to participate in the Standard Review Process please contact Chirstone Hornsby at